Thursday 23 July 2015


LIBRARY  - library is a place of which most of the collection (knowledge) is organised by most of the professionals for utilization by most of the users in most of the time . only then it may be termed a library in real sense.

SOCIETY  -  a large group of individuals having different caste , color , creed , race , location, faith, belief, customs , rituals, religion , ideas, behaviors and practices but to achieve a common goal of survival on the globe with some common objectives . this countries a common chain of link among each other.
every individual is a society.
In modern society every human activity is organised through institutions . every major social task whether research , business or industry is institutionalized , protection of environment or defense is today invariably entrusted to institutions and organizations.


As a member of the modern society we all aware of its varied needs . Education is perhaps the most important among them, for it helps to mould a well informed knowledgeable and responsible  citizen who contributes in nation building acts of progress and advancement.
A group of people united in a relationship and having (most) of the interest , activities and purpose in common .
Then there is the goal of economic well being of the society . But man does not live by bread alone . There are deeper and finer instincts in the human being such as spiritual and ideological instincts , cultural and aesthetic  instincts and other which refine life and elevate it to a higher state . Man does needs recreation during his leisure time falling which the mind goes to negative and destructive thinking . So it is the collection responsibility of member of the society to make suitable arrangements for this purpose.

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